Risk free hardware procurement for businesses in Rochester NY How much do you REALLY SAVE on software and hardware procurement?

  • If something is wrong with your new purchase, are you prepared to stand in line at Best Buy, Staples, OfficeMax, Sam's or even ALDI's?
  • Do you know for sure that the software licenses you are buying are legitimate?
  • Will your purchase work and last in a commercial environment?
  • Are you willing to risk your employee's productivity and possibly your business with potentially uninformed decisions?
  • Will your purchase integrate with the rest of your business systems?
  • Do you understand the total cost of your purchase from day one to day nine-hundred-and-one?
  • Are you prepared to spend the countless research hours to ensure that your purchase is going to do the job?
  • Will your purchase be obsolete as soon as you receive it?
  • If you make the wrong technology choice, are you prepared to pay someone else to fix it?
  • Do you understand the manufacturer's warranty?

Forget about worrying about your technology purchases, at CETech we take all of the risk and you reap all of the reward. ALL software and hardware procurement through CETech includes the following RISK-FREE PROCUREMENT services:

  • We include at no charge the upfront research to ensure your computer will be compatible with your environment, and will perform as expected.
  • We guarantee that your system will be properly licensed for your environment.
  • We guarantee that your system will be hassle free during it’s life, that it will be commercial grade and it will provide the best return on your investment.
  • Should your computer system fail within the first 3 years, we will have parts and a technician onsite the next business day.
  • We accept all responsibility for researching and returning any miss-ordered, erroneously shipped, or malfunctioning components.
  • We handle all issues with the manufacturer during the life of the system.
  • There is no additional installation charge if you purchase through us.
  • We ensure all costs are identified up front and there will be no surprise expenses.
  • We have a 100% return policy if not satisfied


Other things to consider:

Commercial vs Residential: All computer manufacturers have a residential and commercial business unit (DELL, HP, Lenovo, etc.). The residential business unit makes its money selling inexpensive hardware, minimal support, and by allowing software companies to install bloat-ware onto the system in hopes you will buy it later on. (Read about how Lenovo's residential business unit was caught installing bloatware by the US Computer Emergency Readiness Team 2/15 HERE and 6/16 HERE) Residential margins are slim and costs are cut wherever possible. If you are dissatisfied with your purchase it is unlikely that your voice will be heard. The commercial business unit makes its money selling products that are tried and true and bundle next business day support to ensure that companies will continue to purchase products. Does commercial product cost more? - YES. But ask yourself, if you plan to use that computer for the next 4-5, maybe even 6 years - wouldn't you like to not have any problems with it? And if you have a problem, wouldn't you like to be taken care of? All CETech systems minimally come with a 3 year next day warranty. If a part breaks, you are not waiting in line at Aldi's or shipping your system in for repair, we replace it the very next day.

Software Purchases: To understand software licensing you better have some time on your hands. Some questions to ask yourself: Do I understand what is the difference between a upgrade license versus a new license? Do I know what a OEM license is? How do I manage all of my licenses? Can I use this software on more than one computer? Can I move the license from one computer to another? Can I take the software home? Do I understand the penalties of a software license audit?

There is nothing more expensive than bad advice: Misinformed IT decisions can cause a rippling effect across a business causing excess cost, employee dissatisfaction, loss of productivity and downtime.

Purchasing based solely on cost: Anyone can make a decision based upon cost, successful people make decisions based upon value. There are many factors that need to be considered in addition to price before making your next IT purchase - ensure you are getting the best overall value.

Avoid the hidden costs of purchasing your own hardware and software. If you have a technology purchase in mind, please phone us at (585) 441-0055 and we will be glad to help.