FREE Cyber Security Risk Assessment
This Risk Assessment Will Show You:
If you and your employees’ login credentials are being sold on the Dark Web
If your IT systems and data are truly secured from hackers, cybercriminals, viruses, worms and even sabotage by rogue employees.
If your current system would allow you to be back up and running again fast if ransomware locked all your files.
Whether your employees truly know how to spot a phishing e-mail. We will actually put them to the test.
If your IT systems, backups, policies and procedures are in sync with compliance requirements
How It Works: At no cost or obligation, we will conduct a non-invasive, CONFIDENTIAL review of your computer network, backups, and security protocols.
If we DO find problems we will propose an Action Plan to remediate the situation that you can have us implement for you if you choose.
*Your current IT company or internal IT does not need to know we are conducting this assessment. It is 100% confidential.*